Since I love cars, I have been in many environments related to cars. I have visited a lot of car galleries and seen car garages. However, I have a special passion and interest for the BMW M series. Especially if they are low mileage and flawless... Kamer Günay and Tamer Günay brothers, who live in Samsun, have managed to own flawless BMW M series cars that are collectible. There is no cooperation in any way in the video. However, since there are different brands throughout the video, it may appear as an advertisement by law and obligation. Buğra Akpınar ► / bugraakpinar Birol Emre Bayram ► / birolemrebayram Grand Motorlu Araçlar ► / grandmotorluaraclar Videographer: Buğra Akpınar If you don't want to miss the video content of my channel and want to be instantly informed of new videos; DON'T FORGET to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel and turn on your notifications by clicking the BELL icon in order to receive notifications instantly! FOLLOW Buğra Akpınar! TIKTOK ► https://bit.ly/4asltsD X ► https://bit.ly/3sACR9k TWITCH ► https://bit.ly/2QGgeSU