A person should have a serious stance against the false blessings and beauties of the world. He should open his eyes, realize the realities in a life full of lies, and discipline his soul. That's why the great master gives us very beautiful advice! You should add this song to your list of songs to be listened to at the rakı table and even frequently, so that you can remember the truths in order not to be defeated by your soul! My Address to the Evil Soul from the Stage of My Life I will introduce the grapevine of the world... I will introduce the hyacinth and its pomegranate... I will introduce the sweet and the sweet, In short, the new spring... I have no need for your rose, The sheaf of the path, the rose of your rose, Neither your lover nor your mother-in-law, The very grave of all of them... I will introduce the grave of all of them...! I won't cry, I am a man, It is quite hard to torture me, Heaven will not be grateful for this lifetime either, Take your horse, groom your...! It is difficult to deceive this poor man, Swim him and then throw him off the sack, Open your eyes and look at me, I will damage your... reputation! I will be a cupbearer of your beauty, I will be a part of the color and beauty of your rose, I will be a part of the shame and disposition of your bride, I will be a part of your joy! There is no joy in the morning breeze, No gratitude in the rose garden, No joy in your dress with the joy of your companion of the soul! If I have come to the wrong end of the world, I will say it in the middle of your mouth, Let the world write this on its map, I will make up for it all... Lyrics: Neyzen, Tevfik Kolaylı