What should Poland's relations with the United States look like? Is Donald Trump merciless? Why does Ukraine still not want to allow the exhumation of Poles? When does Poland have a chance to catch up with Western Europe in terms of prosperity? These and many other questions will be answered in a long and very interesting conversation by Radosław Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Donald Tusk's government and guest of the next edition of the program "didaskalia" by Patrycjusz Wyżga. We invite you to watch! 00:00:00 Best fragments 00:01:30 The issue of the presidential election in Poland 00:13:26 Donald Trump and the political situation in the USA 00:28:30 Analysis of the clash between democracies and autocracies 00:38:23 "A Russian attack on NATO would be madness" 00:50:30 Threshold of war 00:54:09 The return of American isolationism 01:04:20 Polish-Ukrainian relations 01:17:25 The prospect of ending the war in Ukraine 01:24:20 A vision of Poland's development 01:31:50 Misguided tweets 01:33:55 Afghanistan