I was adopted by the Deadpool family?! • I was adopted by the Deadpool family?! Makeover B... What would happen if Shin Sonic adopted me and we teamed up to create a huge secret hideout? Dive into an epic adventure as we design and build an amazing secret room just for Shin Sonic - complete with the latest tech, bright lights, and challenges inspired by Sonic's speed! Will our secret room help us defeat the bad guys and protect our new super family? Join us for this fun-filled transformation, full of surprises and exciting moments in the world of Shin Sonic! Follow Troom Troom Trick: Subscribe: / @troomtroomtrick Instagram: / troom_troom_trick Facebook: / troom-troom-trick Troom Trick Arabic: / @troomtrickkarabic Troom Trick Bengali / @troomtrickbengali Troom Trick Chinese: / @troomtrickcn Troom Trick Dutch: / @troomtrickdutch Troom Trick French: / @troomtrickfr Troom Trick German: / @troomtrickde Troom Trick HU / @troomtrickhu Troom Trick India: / @troomtrickindia Troom Trick Indonesia: / @troomtrickindonesia Troom Trick Italian: / @troomtrickit Troom Trick Japanese: / @troomtrckjp Troom Trick Korean: / @troomtrickkr Troom Trick Polish: / @troomtrickpl Troom Trick Portuguese: / @troomtrickpt Troom Trick Punjabi/ @troomtrickpunjabi Troom Trick RO / @troomtrickro Troom Troom Trick Russian: / @troomtroomtrickru Troom Trick Spanish: / @troomtrickes Troom Trick Thai: / @troomtrickth Troom Trick Turkish: / @troomtricktr Troom Troom Trick Ukraine: / @troomtroomtrickukr Troom Trick Urdu / @troomtrickurdu Troom Trick Vietnam: / @troomtrickvietnam Don't forget to click on the notification button and click the like button and subscribe to the channel