How I Became BABA CHOPS? • How I Became BABA CHOPS? ???? From Botanshi ... Imagine what it's like to live with the coolest superhero Shin Sonic! ???? We decided to build him a secret house full of surprises and cool features! But this is just the beginning - an incredible turn of events changes everything: Shin Sonic adopts me! Watch as we create a cozy hideout full of adventures and fun moments. ???????? Will we be able to cope with the challenges that life with a superhero has in store for us? Don't miss this exciting story with a makeover and lots of secrets! ✨ #we built #secrethouse #shinsonik Follow us: Troom Troom Trick: / @troomtroomtrick Instagram: / troom_troom_trick Facebook: / troom-troom-trick Troom Troom Trick: / @troomtroomtrick Troom Trick Arabic: / @troomtrickarabic Troom Trick Bengali / @troomtrickbengali Troom Trick Chinese: / @troomtrickcn Troom Trick Dutch: / @troomtrickdutch Troom Trick French: / @troomtrickfr Troom Trick German: / @troomtrickde Troom Trick HU / @troomtrickhu Troom Trick India: / @troomtrickindia Troom Trick Indonesia: / @troomtrickindonesia Troom Trick Italian: / @troomtrickit Troom Trick Japanese: / @troomtrckjp Troom Trick Korean: / @troomtrickkr Troom Trick Polish: / @troomtrickpl Troom Trick Portuguese: / @troomtrickpt Troom Trick Punjabi / @troomtrickpunjabi Troom Trick RO / @troomtrickro Troom Trick Russian: / @troomtroomtrickru Troom Trick Spanish: / @troomtrickes Troom Trick Thai: / @troomtrickth Troom Trick Turkish: / @troomtricktr Troom Trick Ukraine: / @troomtroomtrickukr Troom Trick Urdu / @troomtrickurdu Troom Trick Vietnam: / @troomtrickvietnam Don't forget to subscribe, click the bell next to the subscription, like and share the video with your friends!