We're DONE - Brainpain #106 In today's episode, our two podcast hellodris are completely done! Flo also has a big argument at a traffic light, we plan our trip into space and finally find out who from BTS is actually the hottest! Also included: The best fruit! _______________________________________ Listen to Brainpain on all podcast apps: ????️ https://lnkfi.re/Brainpain _______________________________________ All of Florian Heider's channels: ????Main channel: / derheider ????2nd channel: / heidergeil ????️Twitch: / heidergeil ✍️Twitter: / heiderflorian ????️Instagram: / heidergram _______________________________________ All of Timon aka Klengan's channels: ????Main channel: / klengan ... Channel: / klengansminecraftpalace ????️Twitch: / klengan ✍️Twitter: / klengantv ????️Instagram: / klengantv