Our 100 book journey continues with Yusuf KAPLAN. Yusuf KAPLAN, who says that he prepared a list of 100 books in order to raise a pioneer generation, gives his final clues about the list. And he answers some questions in this section. Those questions are; What are the flaws in the current education system? What does it mean to lose by winning? What is the aim of the 100 book list? What does 'Muslim thinking skills' mean? What does the civilization perspective mean? What do we understand by the pioneer generation? What is the difference between a student and a pupil? What is needed to rebuild the system? (Green pen, red pen, blue pen, black pen) According to Yusuf Kaplan's reading methodology, which sections do we draw with which pencil? Come, Let's Walk Together... #mymecra #yolharitası #yusufkaplan ???? Don't Forget to Subscribe to Our Channel: http://bit.ly/BeraberYuruyelim MyMecra's other playlists: ????What is the Topic? - Uğur Işılak & Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/KonuNedir ????Say Your Troubles Hayati İnanç: https://bit.ly/DerdiniSoyle ????Our Own Firmament İbrahim Kalın: https://bit.ly/İbrahimKalin ????Listen to What Ömer Tuğrul İnançer: https://bit.ly/DinleNeyden ????Success Requires a Price Nurullah Genç: https://bit.ly/BasariBedelIster ????Road Map Yusuf Kaplan: https://bit.ly/YusufKaplan ????Someone One Day Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/BiriBirGun ????There Is a Problem Serdar Tuncer & Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/BiMeseleVar ????I Climbed the Plum Branch Ahmet Özhan: https://bit.ly/CiktimErikDalina ????Son33 Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/SON33 ????Cat Kapı: https://bit.ly/CatKapi ????Glances Bertan Rona: https://bit.ly/Bakislar ????Teknosapien: https://bit.ly/Teknosapien You can follow us on our social media addresses below ???? Facebook: / mymecra ???? İnstagram: / mymecra ???? Twitter: / mymecra ???? Website: http://mymecra.com/ Platforms where you can follow our programs as PODCAST: ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Oz7kuV... ???? Anchor: https://anchor.fm/mymecra ???? Google Podcast: http://bit.ly/MymecraPodcast