Hello friends, we are with you in the fourth part of the chicken farming adventure of those migrating from the city to the village! In the previous parts, we found our old chicken farming materials and repaired our incubator, started the incubator by getting eggs from the neighboring village, and dismantled our prefabricated structure to make a chicken coop. Now, we are deciding where to build our chicken coop on the land where our village house is located and starting to transport the materials. In this part, we will determine the most suitable area for the health and safety of our chickens and discover how to establish a balance between natural life and modern chicken farming. We will talk about the advantages of reusing old materials and sustainable chicken farming practices. Together, we will see how we can create an environment for our chickens to live a comfortable and healthy life. Join us in the chicken farming adventure of those migrating from the village to the city by watching this video and experience the excitement of bringing natural life and modern life together! #citytovillagemigration #villagelife #chickenfarming