Links to cycling products from the video: 1) Chain holder - http://ali.pub/4jbd3z With axle movement - http://ali.pub/4jbd6w 2) Xiaomi multitool - http://ali.pub/4jbejp Backup link - http://ali.pub/4jbeyo 3) Satori seat post - http://ali.pub/4jbdfg Simplified version - http://ali.pub/4jbdgm 4) Navi600 flashlight - http://ali.pub/4jbcv8 Xiaomi bike flashlight - http://ali.pub/3d25g4 5) Car horn - http://ali.pub/4jbdyw Piezoelectric - http://ali.pub/45yu6k 6) BETO pump - http://ali.pub/4jbdw6 Pump like mine - http://ali.pub/45yxij 7) Bicycle wash - http://ali.pub/4jbdbk Other sets - http://ali.pub/4jbdut 8) Vacuum holders - http://ali.pub/4jbdso For roof rails - http://ali.pub/4jbdqc 9) Smart taillight - http://ali.pub/4jbdkp 10) Front tire 26 - http://ali.pub/4jbe6a Rear tire 26 - http://ali.pub/4jbeci Other options - http://ali.pub/4jbef1 ========================================== China Taina VK group - http://vk.com/chinataina ===================================== Refund up to 15% of the cost of purchases on Aliexpress - http://epngo.bz/cashback_index/7bkzad For those who want to earn on Aliexpress - http://epngo.bz/ali_epn_index/7bkzad Browser plugin for saving on purchases - http://epngo.bz/cashback_install_plug... ==================================