Special Drama "Your Own Treasure" A story about three people, Minato (Takkun), Tsumugi (Ha-chan), and Rin (Toki-chan), who overcome their doubts and conflicts through Pokemon and their friends and grow. Episode 1 • What if you could go to school with Pokemon? Battle with your friends in a Pokemon battle! Special... Episode 3 • What if your friend turns out to be naughty? Your friend has joined Team Rocket! Special... *This filming was done with thorough disinfection and ventilation. "Pokerun TV" is a YouTube channel brought to you by an MC full of love for Pokemon! Every day, we upload videos of various challenges, including DIY and making things! We update videos on weekdays at 4pm and on holidays at 1pm, so please check them out! Subscribe to the channel here! / @pokelun_tv Click here for the official Twitter account for the latest information on Pokerun TV! / pokelun_tv ▽Click here for the Twitter account of the Pokerun TV MC! Takkun: / takkun_pokelun Tokichan: / toki_pokelun Ha-chan: / ha_chan_pokelun Tai-chan: / taichan_pokelun Riri-chan: / riri_pokelun ▽ Check out the TikToks of the Pokerun TV MCs here! Takkun: / takkun_pokelun Tokichan: / toki_pokelun Ha-chan: / ha_chan_pokelun Tai-chan: / taichan_pokelun Riri-chan: / riri_pokelun Recommended Pokemon videos are here! [Official] "Pokémon Scarlet Violet" 1st Trailer • Video [Official] "Pokémon Scarlet Violet" 2nd Trailer • Video [Official] "Pokémon Scarlet Violet" 3rd Trailer • Video [Official] "Pokémon Scarlet Violet" 4th Trailer • [Official] "Pokémon Scarlet Violet" 4th Trailer [Official] "Pokémon Scarlet Violet" Website https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/sv/ja/ ================= This is a brand channel operated by UUUM Co., Ltd. and The Pokémon Company. All video materials used in this video are licensed. Reproduction or secondary use of videos from this channel without permission is prohibited. If you wish to use them for secondary purposes, please contact us using the "Contact Us" link below. #PokerunTV #Drama #Pokémon