From Vampire and Ladybug to Beautiful Mermaids • From Vampire and Ladybug to Beautiful Mermaid... Vampire and Wednesday live in a cute dark house! But poor Kuromi doesn't have a place of her own! The brave little girl and her mother Julia come to the rescue. They are ready to help the doll find her home and be happy! In Chi Chi Wow, the exciting challenge of creating a dollhouse in Kuromi's style awaits you! Follow Chi Chi Wow: Subscribe: / @chi_chi_wow Instagram: / troomtroom_wow Facebook: / troomtroomwow LIKEE: https://s.likee.video/@troomtroom_wow TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSvpFAdD/ Chi Chi WOW French: / @chichiwowfr Chi Chi WOW German: / @chichiwowde Chi Chi WOW Ukrainian: / @chichiwowukr Chi Chi WOW Spanish: / @chichiwowes Chi Chi WOW Portuguese: / @chichiwowpt Chi Chi WOW Polish: / @chichiwowpl Chi Chi WOW Italian: / @chichiwowit Chi Chi WOW Arabic: / @chichiwowarabic Chi Chi WOW Japanese: / @chichiwowjp Chi Chi WOW Korean: / @chichiwowkorea Chi Chi WOW Chinese: / @chichiwowchinese Chi Chi Chi WOW India: / @chichiwowindia Chi Chi WOW Turkish: / @chichiwowtr Chi Chi WOW Indonesia: / @chichiwowindonesia Chi Chi WOW Vietnam: / @chichiwowvietnam Chi Chi WOW Thai: / @chichiwowthai Chi Chi WOW Dutch: / @chichiwowdutch Chi Chi WOW Russian: / @chichiwowru Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, turn on our notifications, and like our video!