Serdar Akdoğar discusses all obsessions from A to Z with expert guests in his program "Başka Gündem". • Do our obsessions direct our lives? • What issues do we obsess about the most, what do we worry about the most? • How do we get rid of unwanted thoughts? Guests: • Neuropharmacology Specialist Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay • Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Aytül Çorapçıoğlu Özdemir • Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Doğan Şahin • Biochemistry and Anti-aging Specialist Dr. Ayşegül Çoruhlu Everything about humans, the universe, and life is on "Başka Gündem"... Serdar Akdoğar asks, Turkey's most assertive names, important scientists, authors, and experts answer from a completely different perspective. Başka Gündem is on Haber Global at 21:00 on Saturday and Sunday!