Shiranami Ramune @shiranamiramune ▼Thank you for using the archive tournament. VALO is fun as expected / 2189839525 ▼Timestamp 0:00 Request to ban kamito's operation 2:24 Usagi Mimi who doesn't look back 4:00 Tsurugi Hiiragi is too strong 6:04 Killjoy (Ramune) is too great 8:23 I called him Iroas 9:28 France's sense of security ▼Tags #Shiranami Ramune #ShiranamiRamune #VSPO #VSPO #VSPO cutout #vspo #vspoclip #Usagi Mimi #ExAlbio #Tsurugi Hiiragi #France #zerost #Lauren Iroas #kamito #valorant #fps #CR Cup #CRCUP ▼License Vspo! License number: 07937