Ehtras Men El Khoot Movie The story revolves around (Khosoosy), the simple young man, who works in his cousin's (Nabila) company and falls in love with her, but she does not reciprocate the same feeling, because she loves (Sami), the company's manager. (Khosoosy) discovers the embezzlements that occur in the company by the assistant manager of the company, the contractor (Masoud), and spreads the news of his suicide falsely, then returns in a fake and terrifying character, (Al-Khoot), to reveal (Masoud's) tricks, and events escalate in a comedic framework. Directed by: Samir Seif (director) Ahmed Issa (assistant director) Written by: Sherif El-Meniawy (story, screenplay and dialogue) Cast: Adel Emam, Lebleba, Samir Sabry, Osama Abbas, Abdullah Farghali, Abdel Salam Mohamed