Watan Ala Watar. A satirical political comedy series that criticizes reality in a bold, comic way, discussing the social and political situation, starring Imad Farajin. You can also watch all episodes of the series Watan Ala Watar 2022 for free on the Wide Khaliji platform at the link below ???????????? https://widekhaliji.com/ #Watan_Ala_Watar #Watan_Ala_Watar #Imad_Farajin Subscribe and communicate with us through our channels on social media Facebook: / / iseemediaservices Instagram: https://instagram.com/iseemediaser?ig... Twitter: https://twitter.com/iseemediaser?s=09 TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJBdepWc