Crazy ride of the vaudeville tin cavalry of Divadla Sklep (1999). The unmistakable aroma of the blue exhaust gases of the "Knight of Eisenach" (the name of a popular GDR car) accompanied the performance of Prague's avant-garde Cellar Theater on New Year's Eve at the end of the millennium. Performers: Tomáš Hanák, Tereza Kučerová, Jiří Macháček, Václav Marhoul, Aleš Najbrt, Ondřej Trojan, David Vávra, Jiří Fero Burda, Luboš Veselý Director: Ondřej Trojan The Cellar Theater was founded in 1971 by David Vávra and Milan Šteindler. The stage is characterized by a distinctive treatment of plays. The Cellar Theater was the main driving force of the Pražská 5 group, which also included the groups Mimóza, Vpřed, Kolotoč and Křeč, which represented the most significant generational movement of the 1970s and 1980s and brought about the revival of the theater scene at that time. www.divadlosklep.cz www.divadlodobeska.cz - Stage of the Sklep theater