???? Materials on verbs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j3rY... ???? You can sign up for the Polski.online course at https://bit.ly/3kULdWL An additional 10% discount for my subscribers with the promo code: VINOGRADINA You can support my work on the Patronite service: https://patronite.pl/LeraVinogradova/... If you want to become a channel sponsor, you will get access to exclusive bonuses. More details: / @lera_vinogradova 00:00 Where have we ended up and why? 00:41 An incredible place in a depressed area 02:33 Gentrification and the future of Prague 05:32 A potential place to move 06:53 The most criminal area of the city 11:23 A market where you can get robbed 13:11 Garbage, dirt and abandoned buildings 16:09 The future of the area 17:09 Transport in Warsaw 20:58 Walking in the center again and again unhappy 25:00 Will we move to Warsaw? My other videos????: ????️ Attitude to refugees in Europe. Is anyone waiting for Ukrainians here? Part 2 • Attitude to refugees in Europe. Is anyone waiting... ???? Showing Poland to my mom from Mariupol. She is delighted • Niepołomice. Showing my mom from Mariupol... ???? What's up with prices in Poland, why are they tearing down monuments and other myths about Poland and Poles? • What's up with prices in Poland, why are they tearing down...