... More content here: / obudaianziksz ***Óbudai Anziksz: a cultural magazine, not just for Óbuda residents. Local patriotism in Óbuda is alive and well, but we do not limit our message to the district borders: by publishing and presenting the works of contemporary writers, poets, and painters, our magazine can be of national interest. The paper covers literature, music, fine arts, sports, and gastronomy, and also features famous locals and Óbuda residents who, although not famous, are important and interesting. One of the reasons and goals of the establishment of Óbudai Anziksz was to show how complex, interesting, and colorful the city district's thousands of years of history, its natural and built environment, and the artistic, cultural, and everyday life that takes place here are. The magazine features literature, music, fine arts, sports, and includes famous locals and people from Óbuda who, although not famous, are important and interesting. The list of famous authors and photographers invited to write the articles and the quality of their work also express our desire to provide readers with a sophisticated, colorful and interesting cultural magazine. Local patriotism in Óbuda is alive and well, but at best people experience it in isolation from each other. In the 3rd district, there is an opportunity, even with the help of such a magazine, to dissolve this isolation. The people of Óbuda are surrounded by a cultural life that does not separate them, but connects them. According to our intentions, Óbudai Anziksz also strengthens this bond.