The National Cultural Monument of the Wallachian Open-Air Museum is the second oldest open-air museum in Central Europe. It was founded in 1925 by the brothers Alois and Bohumír Jaroňková. Throughout the year, the museum hosts events inspired by folklore, folk customs and traditional crafts. We can visit the Mlýnská Valley, the Wallachian Village or the Wooden Town with the Church of St. Anne, where Valašský Slavín is part of it, where we can remember the lives and works of important personalities of Moravia. The Wallachian Open-Air Museum also includes two Art Nouveau buildings, Maměnka and Libušín na Pustevny. The following musical samples were used in the film - Primášské cifry - Songs from the painter's palette Danaj 2000; Boly časy, boly - sung by Dušan Holý, dulcimer Magdalena Múčková and Jan Rokyta (Danaj 2000); Dory, Dory - Šmytec 2005.