▼A deep town you can get to by taxi from Ho Chi Minh! I went to the Chinese town of Cholon for dinner. I'm very cautious about the security here, so I'm walking around with a lot of caution... #Vietnam #Ho Chi Minh #Cholon *Some URLs in the description contain affiliate ads. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ■Social media and blogs───────────────── ▼[Blog] https://vnhiromi.com/ ▼[Twitter] / vietnamhiromi ▼[Instagram] / vietnamhiromi ▼[Facebook] *Vietnamese / vietnamhiromi ▼[Stand.fm] https://stand.fm/channels/5f4f3e456a9... ▼[Apple Podcast] https://vnhiromi.com/podcast ■Filming equipment───────────────── ★Camera Sony a7cII https://amzn.to/3sznAuT DJI Osmo Pocket 3 https://amzn.to/47w23C5 ★Lens https://amzn.to/46aMEGf ★Microphone Hollyland Lark M1 https://amzn.to/49BIn1m ■Various links──────────────── ▼2nd channel [Hiromi/Life channel] / @hiromi_life ▼Vietnam Hiromi's profile https://vnhiromi.com/hiromi/ ▼Inquiries (interviews, corporate projects, etc.) https://vnhiromi.com/contact/