"Kawaramachi Serimachi," which spreads out around the castle town of Hikone Castle, a national treasure in Shiga Prefecture, has a street layout that has remained unchanged since the Edo period. As a townscape with historical value, it has been selected as a "Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings = Jyudenken," a district that is familiar to the survey team. We will tour the many historic townhouses that remain in this castle town! (Kansai Information Network ten. Broadcast on September 21st, 2022) #Yomiuri Television #ten #Yomiuri Television News #Kansai Information Network ten #Wakaichi Investigation Team #Wakaichi Mitsuji #Kuroki Chiaki #Kuroki Announcer #Kuroki Caster #Hikone Castle #Kawaramachi Serimachi #Castle town #Traditional building Ii Naomasa #Ii family #Ishida Mitsunari #Shiga #Hikone #shiga #hikone ▼Social media for Yomiuri Television News Department TikTok / ytvnews Twitter / news_ytv ▼Yomiuri Television News https://www.ytv.co.jp/press/ ▼Information Live Miyaneya https://www.ytv.co.jp/miyaneya/ ▼Kansai Information Network ten. Facebook / ytvten Instagram / ytv.ten Twitter / ytvnewsten Website https://www.ytv.co.jp/ten/ ▼Submit information via the "Submission Box" https://www.ytv.co.jp/toukou_box/