In this fairy tale, children will discover the extraordinary world of the Snow People, who create snowflakes in their magical factory. However, one day the machine that produces snow stops working, and the dwarves set off on an adventurous journey to save winter. Experience a fascinating story about courage, cooperation and the magic of a winter world full of snow and joy. ???? Listen to a wonderful audiobook that will transport children to the magical world of winter. ❄️ The perfect fairy tale for falling asleep, full of a peaceful atmosphere and friendly characters. ???? Discover beautiful stories about friendship and magic in this fairy tale that will delight every child. ???? A fairy tale for children that will put the little ones in the Christmas mood and help them fall asleep peacefully. Help us develop the channel ???? Subscribe to our channel to enjoy new fairy tales every day ???? / @bajkoprzygody ???? ???? Reward the videos with a thumbs up ???? ❤️ Reward with hearts in the comments ❤️ #bajkanadobroniac #bajkidosluchania #bajkidladzieci #bajkipopolsku #słuchowisko #słuchowisko #audiobook