❤️ SECOND MONTH OF PREGNANCY🤰 ⏩ WEEK 5 to 8 ⏩ FIRST TRIMESTER ⏩ Development and Evolution of the Baby 👶🏻



Published on May 19, 2021
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➡️ The baby experiences AMAZING DEVELOPMENT. The embryonic period ends and the EMBRYO is now called a FETUS. SECOND 2️⃣ MONTH OF PREGNANCY ✅ 0:35 Development and Evolution of the Baby 1:58 Size and weight of your Baby 2:08 Changes in the Mother's Body 3:41 Some tips for the Second Month The second month: Covers from week 5 to week 8 of pregnancy. 👶🏻 Development and evolution of the baby Growth during this month is very rapid, and most organs are formed. It is, therefore, the period where there is the greatest risk of malformations. The placenta will already begin to nourish the fetus through the umbilical cord, in this way it will receive food, water and oxygen. By now, the fetus's heart is beating and is divided into two chambers, beating very quickly, at about 150 beats per minute. Your baby's brain is dividing into two hemispheres, capable of producing a billion neurons, and the lungs are already allowing air to pass through a basic bronchus. The face is taking shape, with the jaw and lower lip already formed. As the weeks go by, the fetus is becoming more and more like a baby. The eyes and ears are growing, the limbs are getting longer, and the elbows are appearing, as are the fingers and toes. They are still attached, but will gradually become loose. The embryo's skin is beginning to form, which is translucent and allows the cartilage that forms the skeleton to be seen. The bumps that will grow to form the baby's genitals appear at this time, although they are not developed enough to determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl. ⚖️📏Baby size This month your baby is the size of a raspberry. It measures approximately 2 cm and weighs 1 g. 🤰🏻 Changes in the mother's body At the beginning of this second month, the woman has a delay in her period, which makes her suspect the possibility of pregnancy, which can already be confirmed with a urine or blood test. There are still a few weeks left for the nausea and other discomforts that frequently appear to begin to reduce. Despite the feeling of bloating in some pregnant women, it is possible that weight has not yet been gained. The uterus continues to grow and the sensation of having to urinate more frequently is common. Pelvic pain also appears, which can be different for each woman, although they are usually reminiscent of menstrual pain. Leg cramps or stabbing pains can become common and intensify at night. Most professionals think that this is the perfect time to do the first urine and blood tests in order to avoid any complications related to an infection or disease. 📝 Some tips for the 2nd Month Being pregnant does not mean that you cannot continue to stay active. Leading a healthy lifestyle is very important and taking walks during the day is highly recommended. The sun is a source of vitamin D, a substance that helps the body absorb calcium, something vital for the correct bone development of the embryo. It is very important to take into account some basic care, mainly regarding food hygiene. When toxoplasmosis or an infectious disease appears in the first trimester of pregnancy, it can pose a danger to the baby to the point of causing blindness, epilepsy or malformations. Luckily, it is possible to prevent it by following several tips. First of all, it is advisable to *avoid contact with cat feces*, the main agents that transmit the disease, and avoid eating undercooked meat. Listeriosis is another very dangerous contagious disease, as it can cause spontaneous abortion. To avoid it, you must eliminate a number of foods from your diet: pate, soft cheeses, raw seafood, raw or undercooked meat, sausages, raw eggs, unpasteurized drinks or certain desserts such as tiramisu or mousse. Remember A healthy diet, free of tobacco, alcohol and drugs will be more than enough. HAVE YOU ALREADY VISITED OUR CHANNEL? 🤔 I LEAVE THE LINK HERE 👇 🤗 ➡️ http://bit.ly/TodoBEBES ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ 👇 VISIT OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS ➡️ Facebook: / todo-bebes-1. . ➡️ Instagram: / todobebes_o. . ➡️ Twitter: /todobebes2 ➡️ Pinterest: http://bit.ly/PinterestTODOBEBES ➡️ TikTok: /todobebess #TODOBEBES #PREGNANCY #WEEKSPREGNANCY #SECONDMONTHSPRINTING #TWOMONTHSPRINTING #2MONTHSPRINTING #PREGNANCY #PREGNANCYWEEKBYWEEK #BABIES #PREGNANCYEXERCISES #KEGELEXERCISES #GESTIONALDIABETES #PRECLAMPSIA #ECTOPIC PREGNANCY #EMBRYONAL PREGNANCY #PREGNANCYSYMPTOMS #IMPLANTATIONBLEEDING #BRAXTONHICKS #FALSECONTRACTIONS #PREGNANTMODE #FIRSTMOM

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