???? Hello Music Lovers! In this class you will learn step by step and chewed up the Harmonic Field of B (B Major)! Oh... another thing: Take advantage and get to know my course ➡ https://www.melhorcursodeviolaodobras... (THE BEST GUITAR COURSE IN BRAZIL). ✅ Now the mystery of the harmonic field of B (B Major) is over! Everything, everything REVEALED once and for all! I used the term FAMILY to facilitate your understanding and you will never forget the secrets of the harmonic field and you will never again have doubts about how to use the harmonic field of B MAJOR!! ???? Harmonic Field Playlist! Stop by: • ✅HARMONIC FIELD {REVEALED}! Open the... ????And if you like guitar, you're on the right channel..???? Leave your comment telling me how long you've been playing guitar. It will be a great pleasure to be able to help you on your guitar journey! ???? Write your comment here with your question and/or doubt! Let's go!! ????FREE! Take the Mini Guitar Course NOW from level ZERO • ✅FREE! Mini ????GUITAR Course For???? ... Learn everything about guitar with Maestro Adeildo Lopes! Take a look here on the channel and follow the new videos so you can really evolve on the GUITAR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ????THE TIME IS NOW!! Subscribe on You Tube: http://bit.ly/35pIj4wSUBSCRIBE ???? Guitar Lesson by conference (LIVE) Book by Whats (11) 97209-0550 ???? FREE CLASS (Beginner from ZERO): http://bit.ly/2Gh9aHeCLASSforBEGINNERS ????FREE Bonus_ Series of 10 Free Classes (For Beginners) • ✅FREE! Mini Course of ????GUITAR For???? ... ????URGENT: YouTube will not show my NEW LESSONS videos unless you ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND ACTIVATE THE NOTIFICATION BELL ✅ LESSONS FROM LEVEL ZERO ➡️ • ✅ CLASS ZERO - Vi... ➡️ In this class you will see how simple it is to play the guitar, it is a guitar class for beginners where you will learn the FIRST CHORD. ✅ If you like country music, I recommend watching this video: ➡️ • ✅ LEARN 5 Country Songs for ... and LEARN how to Rock at the BARBECUE and at the BAR! 5 Country Songs that everyone likes - ️ ???? If you like praises, hymns, you will like this video! ➡️ • ✅ [5 PRAISES] from the Christian Harp With 3... ????ASK THE MAESTRO! In this section you record a video with your question and Maestro Adeildo Lopes records a video ANSWER for you. Send your video to Whats (11) 97209-0550. In the video please say your name, city and your question! Let's go!! Participate ????????????