The Security Service of Ukraine has revealed the details of the capture by the Defense Forces of the first DPRK soldiers who fought against Ukraine in the Kursk region. According to the press service of the agency, these are two North Korean soldiers, one of whom was captured on January 9, 2025 by fighters of tactical group No. 84 of the SSO, and the other by paratroopers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The SSU notes that immediately after being captured, the foreigners were provided with all necessary medical assistance, as provided for by the Geneva Convention, and for conducting primary investigative measures they were taken to Kyiv, where they are being held in appropriate conditions. The prisoners do not speak Ukrainian, English or Russian, so communication with them takes place through Korean translators in cooperation with South Korean intelligence. Borrow up to UAH 20,000 from Credos for 365 days! Rate 0.99% per day, no commissions, 24/7 https://credos.com.ua/?utm_source=24t... #westnet #dkr #prisonersofwar #news #news #warinukraine2025 #warinukraine2025 #newsukraine #newsukraine #onlinenews #onlinenews #freshnews #freshnews