MundoEdu: The best online course is now 100% free! ✨ Free Handout: https://mundoedu.com.br/videoaula/155 ???? Hello, MundoEdu creature... Today it's Professor Giba's turn to talk about our country's energy production. We will cover several topics, including power plants, potential, upcoming investments in energy and a comparison between Brazil and the world. Main topics: Oil: Petrobras, Santos Basin, Post-salt, Pre-salt Coal Natural gas: Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline Nuclear: Angra 1, Angra 2 and Angra 3 Hydroelectric: available potential, installed potential, Amazon basin, Paraná basin, Itaipu Biomass: ethanol, biodiesel, thermoelectric Alternative energies: wind, solar, ocean (Pecém) ???? GEOGRAPHY STUDY PLAN - COMPLETE: https://mundoedu.com.br/plano-de-estu... #ENEM #Geography #EnergyProduction