Books are not fun, and I am not confident in reading. Just choosing a book is difficult. Comic books are good, but I don't like reading books with a lot of text. In short, I don't like it. Children with low self-esteem, passive children, children with poor pronunciation, children who need bonding. Through 1:1 reading time with a puppy, they gradually gain confidence. Their self-esteem improves and their language fluency improves as a bonus. Through interactions with the puppy, they feel respect for life and bonding, and they gradually learn how to express their feelings. They look forward to meeting the puppy the most every week. Are they really listening to my story? They promise to read more interestingly today, and they also wonder if there are any new books they can read to the puppy. The children's changes are revealed through drawing tests. When asked, "What is a good reader?", the children express their difficulty. They say that a good reader is someone who reads a book accurately with the right posture in a confined space and receives praise, and that they are far from me. However, after three months of the project, the children draw completely different pictures. What changes have come to them? Programs that read books to library dogs (Read to Dogs) are popular overseas. Children read books to dogs freely and are not evaluated in any way. Reading books in a comfortable environment lowers the barrier to reading, increases library use, and improves reading confidence. Can our children dream of such changes? #DocumentaryK #BookBlindHumanity #ChildrenReadingBooksToDogs #Reading #AdoptDon’tBuy #readtodogs #Literacy #CompanionDog #Healing #Emotion