Hello, this is Tara... I've been busy lately. Haha I work 12 hours a day and live, but I feel like I'm going to die?? Ahem.. ------------- #workingholiday #tara #Australia #Australianworkingholiday This video is a regional recommendation video. It's a video that looks tricky because Koreans want to see it...but..??? I've come to like this place, Shepperton, so I dare recommend it???? (Hmm..what if there are too many Koreans at this rate...(Kimchi stew complete shot)) Anyway.. This place, Shepperton, where there don't even seem to be 10 Koreans but there seem to be 1,000 Thai people!!! A place where you can get a visa by taking a 3-hour train ride from Melbourne and go to Melbourne every weekend!!! Come to Shepperton ????❤️ Since I'm going to have a day off after a long time, I'll just write succinctly... I'm going to the city to plan a trip to Bali ㅠㅠㅎㄱ흑 I'm going to Bali soon^^ Hehe Anyway.. I think I'll upload the rest of the videos with the vlogs that I've piled up (because my phone's about to run out;;) Um..... If you have any questions about Shepperton, please leave a comment and if I have time, I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. If there are suddenly too many to handle, I'll make another video in the QnA??? style ㅎㅎ Please leave lots and lots of comments, everyone????❤️ Have a day full of happiness~^____^ ❤️❤️❤️❤️