Professors Rafael Vilches and Bruno Langoni will comment on the 25 most difficult Tax Law questions from the VUNESP board. After facing this battery of questions, you will really raise your level in this subject. There will be no trivial questions. Only the most complicated ones. Come study Tax Law and Municipal Tax Legislation at the Taxation Academy. Learn about all our courses - https://academiadatributacao.com.br/ To form a solid foundation in Municipal Tax Legislation: Municipal Tax Legislation from A to Z - Applicable to all Municipalities - https://academiadatributacao.com.br/l... To ace any Tax Law test in public exams: Tax Law - From Zero to 100% - https://go.hotmart.com/V65656954E?dp=1 Do you need to update yourself on STF and STJ tax jurisprudence? Tax Jurisprudence Course Made Easy - https://academiadatributacao.com.br/j... To find out about the schedule of all our live classes and have access to exclusive content on Tax Law and Tax Legislation, click on the link below: https://t.me/academiadatributacao To have access to more content related to Tax Law and Tax Legislation, follow our teachers on Instagram: Prof. Rafael Vilches - @profrafaelvilches Prof. Bruno Langoni - @prof.brunolangoni