The videos were prepared with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) as part of a grant competition among individuals. The videos were published to inform members of student and school labor brigades of the RSO. Due to the high frequency of changes in regulatory documents governing the duties of railway workers, these videos are not recommended to be considered as a teaching aid, theoretical courses, lectures or other educational materials; the videos are distributed exclusively for informational and familiarization purposes. #Rosmolodezh #Rosmolgrant #ResourceCenter #VKMP #RussiaCountryOpportunities #RSO #VSOP #SOP #trudkrut #work #laborrights #student #employeerights #laborcode #tkrf #emergency #fell #injury #accident #laborcode #workinghours #myrights #firstjob #conductor #carriage #railway #studentteam #constructionteam #mybestflight #conductorteam