Title Translation: It's not you, it's me English subtitles available with the Captions option. Here Alex and I are presenting an alternate reality from Pan con Chocolate in which Gakupo was actually not the bad guy! However, he is dealing with some emotional struggles and must make the tough decision of breaking up with Miku. I was inspired to start this new alternate reality saga after watching Alex's video for Amnesia: • [Vocaloid Original] Hatsune Miku - Am... Special thanks to Pimienta Kast for the first Miku artwork on this video! ======================================================= Here Alex and I are presenting an alternate reality where Gakupo is not the bad guy! Unfortunately, after suffering a serious tragedy, he has problems maintaining his relationship with Miku. As a result, he has to make the difficult decision to break up with Miku. I was inspired to start this new saga of an alternate world after watching Alex's video titled Amnesia: • [Original Vocaloid] Hatsune Miku - Am... Thanks to Pimienta Kast for the drawing of Miku that appears at the beginning of the video :) More about the story: http://divasensalsa.blogspot.com/2017...