Welcome to another video from Cantando com Manu. In this video I present two vocalizations for those who want to do melismas or reduce tension in the throat when singing. The vocalizations can be done daily, in a comfortable region of your voice. Leave your comment, question or suggestion so that our videos are even better. Also watch the other video about melismas: • Melisma for beginners ================================================== Website: https://manucavalaro.com.br/ Facebook: / manucavalaro Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manucavalar... Soundcloud: / manuella-cavalaro CD Cantora Não: http://www.tratore.com.br/um_cd.php?i... ===================================================== Singing Workshop in Rio de Janeiro: TO REGISTER OR GET MORE INFORMATION, VISIT: http://manucavalaro.com.br/index.php/...