Actor and singer Tomohisa Yamashita participated in the MTV VMAJ 2023 Pre-Show held at Pia Arena MM in Kanagawa on the 22nd. Yamashita, who won the Best R&B Video award, was the final performer on the blue carpet where many famous artists walked. Dressed in a black suit, he was greeted with cheers and said, "I am very happy to be invited to such a precious occasion. The blue carpet is wonderful, but the sight of everyone gathered here makes it even more wonderful," as he enjoyed the view of the venue filled with many music fans. The music awards MTV VMAJ 2023 (hereinafter referred to as VMAJ), which has been held since 2002 and is celebrating its 22nd anniversary this year, is a "music video festival" that presents the best works in various categories. The best works and special awards in each category were selected from the works presented during the target period (October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023). #Yamashita Tomohisa #YamaP #VMAJ2023