🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to do VLOOKUP Between Two Worksheets in Excel, how to Pull Information from One Worksheet to Another. The VLOOKUP function in Excel, or Excel VLOOKUP formula, is one of the most important functions in Excel that can help us a lot in our daily lives, in the job market and even with Excel for job interviews. If you need to pull data from one worksheet to another in Excel, or even make comparisons, cross-reference data, search for values in another worksheet, etc., let's learn how to VLOOKUP between two worksheets. The VLOOKUP function is one of the most used functions in Excel. Here is a review, a quick summary of how it works and how you can use VLOOKUP. VLOOKUP is a search function in Excel. The V, from VLOOKUP, refers to vertical, that is, to search vertically or vertically. It is used when you need to locate something in rows of a table or range, for example. Structure, =VLOOKUP(value you want to search for; range in which you want to search for the value; the number of the column in the range containing the return value; exact match or approximate match - indicated as 0 or FALSE or 1 or TRUE). Now, it is easier to understand how to search for data between two spreadsheets in Excel. When entering the value of the range or table array, you must enter the name or range of the other spreadsheet. Just select the range. In the free Excel tutorial you will see how easy and simple it is to do this type of search with VLOOKUP between two spreadsheets. In addition, this search concept is ideal for crossing data and performing checks from one spreadsheet to another as well. #ExcellentJoão #Excel #Dashboard