It's the RME oil in the diesel that oxidizes over time and creates this usual grime. But we finally get it sorted with brake cleaning which seems to resolve it. ▶ / swe_hunting_family ▶ / erikawidarssonn ▶https://huntingfamily.se The post contains ad links Equipment Joel uses: *Aimpoint h-1: https://adtr.co/yVvPOW *Warne Steel bases: https://adtr.co/etrpwH * Warne steel rings: https://adtr.co/DU65KO *Stanley thermos: https://adtr.co/5Qg2su Joel's wish list: *Aimpoint s-1: https://adtr.co/CpO6nI *Hawke endurance: https://adtr.co/3lv9l7 Equipment Erika uses: *Warne steel rings 30mm: https://adtr.co/7e1dDr *Lundhag boots: https ://adtr.co/jZjjVu *Stanley 1.9L: https://adtr.co/5Qg2su Erika's wish list: *Konus rangefinder: https://adtr.co/jzeWDJ