This channel was created to convey our mission and our basic ethics. We have grown over time, and the name of the company is no longer enough to communicate us completely, in all our facets. Even though “La Gallina Selvatica” has always been a biological conservation project, it was necessary to go beyond that to communicate what we do in its entirety. So, when a friend asked me this question: “why don’t you keep the company name on YouTube?”, I decided to make a short video. Direzione biocenosi helps us deal, fundamentally, with our way of doing conservation: from the bottom, actively, and inseparably from our human activities. Follow us also on Instagram and Facebook (La Gallina Selvatica) 🐔 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/la_gallina_... 🐔 FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/@lagallina.s... 🌱 Our website will soon be available: https://www.lagallinaselvatica.it