The original video is here! [VS Asobi Daizen] I can't lose, no. I think there is a battle here that I can't lose🔥 #ViviRobo • [VS Asobi Daizen] I can't lose, no. I think there is a battle here that we cannot lose... List of FLOW GLOW membersRiona Ch. Hibiki Riona - FLOW GLOW YouTube: https://t.co/vFBLBMEst1 X: https://x.com/isakiriona Niko Ch. Toganehi Shoko - FLOW GLOW YouTube: https://t.co/FL8bWnC1iS X: https://x.com/koganeiniko Su Ch. Mizumiya Kasuga - FLOW GLOW YouTube: https://t.co/5L5yfVnc1e X: https://x.com/mizumiya_su Chihaya Ch. Rindo Chihaya - FLOW GLOW YouTube: https://t.co/eWKB7J1hDc X: https://x.com/rindochihaya Vivi Ch. Kirara Vivi - FLOW GLOW YouTube: https://t.co/6wBR8KsSNR X: https://x.com/kikiraravivi Robocosan YouTube: https://t.co/lxDkTKy1r8 X: https://x.com/robocosan Materials used: Sound Effect Lab OtoLogic Irasutoya #Hololive #HololiveCutout #hololiveDEV_IS #FLOWGLOW #KiraraVivi #Robocosan #Roboco #hololive #Vtuber