We visited Fazenda Vista Alegre in Valença, RJ. Visconde de Pimentel began his legacy at Fazenda Vista Alegre through notable pioneering work in the fields of arts, culture and socio-economic development in the second half of the 19th century. Marked by dynamism and innovation in methods and technologies for rural production and social life, Fazenda Vista Alegre has since become a reference in sustainable development. Originally dedicated to coffee plantations, music, theater and religion were taught at Vista Alegre. The Escola de Ingênuos, as it became known, was the first in the country to teach literacy to children of slaves and poor children from the surrounding area. The first Danish immigrants to the Valley founded the first cheese factory on the farm, manufactured with the state's European technology, the famous DANA Dairy, around 1912. The Nielssen family lived in Vista Alegre for about 30 years, having developed and improved cheeses of varied qualities, until they moved to the South of Minas, where they multiplied industries and brands of dairy products. For 40 years in the family of the current owner, this incredible farm receives visits from tourists, guests and events. Farm Contacts: / _fazenda_vista_alegre Zap: (21) 98776 0747 https://fazendavistaalegre.wordpress.... __________________________________________________________________________ Hello, we are Carlos and Geisa and we visit many places in our region. We love antiques, farms and old houses, historical settings, always willing to find what history has hidden! Come with us on another adventure!! Our social networks: Instagram: / lugardanossaregiao Facebook: / lugar-da-nossa-regi%c3%a3o-108258217626752