The old people who live in the countryside don't like the internet and cell phones but the younger ones, like Bruno who is almost 18 years old, are connected. That's how he found me, through the videos on the channel he watches and likes. A year ago, he contacted me via Whatsapp and recommended Seu Mariano, his grandfather, for an interview. I went to meet them and discovered that Bruno is an authentic country bumpkin, steeped in tradition and with no desire to get a degree of any kind or become an urbanite. Of course, the interview included Seu Mariano's grandson and from then on Bruno started to recommend me interesting people who were worth an interview, to which he accompanies me and participates. Why am I talking so much about Bruno? Because I hear a lot about how culture is dying, that young people are all going to the city to work and I need to show that this is not my perception. Today I gave a ride to a boy from the countryside, Naldo, who said he was going to build his house out of wattle and daub and he agreed for me to film the whole process. My young neighbor, Anderson, has already found a job here and doesn't want to go to the city for anything in the world. The same goes for his wife, Andressa. I don't know if I'm the one looking for these people, but I find more people from the countryside who like it and don't want to leave here than those who dream of a degree and a job in the city. There is already an awareness that the quality of life here is better than in the city. Whether through air, water, food, neighborhood and safety. Young people are connected, they find out about things on the internet and from the tourists who come here. They have already seen their parents suffer and do not want to follow the same path. My job is to show these young people, talk about their options and what they are doing to stay here in rural areas and thus inspire those who want to follow the same path. Soundtrack performed by Claudio Alvez