I was with Agronomist Fabrício Andrade and saw up close the evolution that his property had with the irrigation of the small area of Capiaçu. Details of the LF2400 Sprinkler from Fabricio's project, I show details of the project in operation irrigating BRS Capiaçu. Is it worth investing in Irrigation of small areas? In this video, check it out up close. If you want to calculate your pump, choose the pipe diameter accurately, purchase the spreadsheet below and be another successful Irrigation designer! ✅https://www.hotmart.com/product/calcu... For those of you who want to calculate only the motor pump to fill your reservoir your system with solar panels click and purchase and calculate the motor pump model quickly and easily!!! ✅https://go.hotmart.com/W61015702K Follow me on social media: ✅https://linkr.bio/drirrigacaoenoque #irrigation #motorpump #sprinkler #irrigation #sprinkler #enoque #lf2400 #fabricio #irrigation