Visit of Imam Ali al-Ridha (AS) by the reciter Abadhar al-Halwaji. Please subscribe to the channel to contribute to raising the voice of the Ahl al-Bayt high, and you will be rewarded for issuing visits 2 Isra recordings -- General supervision Jarrah al-Hussaini Ali bin Musa al-Ridha (AS) (148-203 AH) is the eighth Imam of the Imami Shiites. He assumed the imamate after the martyrdom of his father al-Kadhim (AS) and his imamate lasted for about 20 years. He has several titles, the most famous of which is al-Ridha, and his nickname is Abu al-Hasan II. He was born in Medina in 148 AH. His personal identity: He is Ali bin Musa bin Jaafar (AS). He was given many titles, the most famous of which is Al-Rida. He is also known as the scholar of the family of Muhammad (PBUH), as it was reported that Imam Al-Kadhim (PBUH) said to his sons: “This is your brother Ali bin Musa, the scholar of the family of Muhammad.” He is known as the Compassionate Imam, as Imam Al-Jawad (PBUH) addressed him in his visitation: “Peace be upon the Compassionate Imam.” He was also given the titles Al-Zaki, Al-Radi, Al-Wali, Al-Wafi, Al-Fadil, Al-Sabir, Noor Al-Huda, and Siraj Allah. It is well-known that he is called Abu Al-Hassan, and in some chains of narrations he is called Abu Al-Hassan Al-Thani, considering that his father Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (PBUH) is Abu Al-Hassan Al-Awwal. His lineage: He is Ali bin Musa bin Jaafar bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH), and the son of Fatima Al-Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His father: Musa Al-Kadhim (PBUH), the seventh Imam of the Imami Shiites, and his grandfather is Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq (PBUH). His mother: Sheikh Al-Saduq believes that: His mother was a slave girl called “Tuktam” who was given this name when she was owned by Imam Al-Kadhim, then he named her Al-Tahera when she gave birth to Imam Al-Rida. Some people have narrated that she was called (Sakan Al-Nubiya), and she was called (Arwa), and she was called (Najma), and she was called (Saman), and she was called (Umm Al-Baneen). The period of his Imamate: Imam Al-Rida (peace be upon him) assumed the Imamate after his father for a period of 20 years between (183 - 203 AH), during which he witnessed the reign of Harun Al-Rashid (10 years) and the reign of Muhammad Al-Amin (3 years and twenty-five days), then Al-Amin was deposed and his uncle Ibrahim bin Al-Mahdi, known as Ibn Shakla, was appointed (14 days), then Muhammad was expelled again and allegiance was pledged to him and he remained after that (a year and seven months) and Tahir bin Al-Hussein killed him, then the reign of Al-Ma’mun (5 years). His journey to Khorasan: Imam al-Rida (AS) migrated from Medina to Marv in the year 200 AH, and this is what some researchers have stated, as they said: Imam al-Rida settled in Medina until the year 201 AH, and entered Marv in the month of Ramadan of the same year. Sheikh al-Mufid also mentioned that al-Ma'mun sent for a group of the family of Abu Talib, and brought them to him from Medina, and among them was al-Rida Ali bin Musa, so he took them on the road to Basra until they brought them to him, and the one in charge of their transportation was known as al-Jaludi, so he brought them to al-Ma'mun, so he housed them in a house, and al-Rida Ali bin Musa housed in a house, and honored him, and glorified his matter, and Sheikh al-Mufid differs in his narration with al-Ya'qubi in that al-Ma'mun's messenger to bring the Imam was al-Jaludi and not al-Raja bin al-Dahhak. It was mentioned in Al-Yaqubi’s history that Al-Ma’mun ordered Raja bin Al-Dahhak - a relative of Al-Fadl bin Sahl - to bring Imam Al-Rida (peace be upon him) from Medina to Khorasan via Basra. Al-Ma’mun set a special route for the Imam’s caravan for fear that the Imam would pass through the areas inhabited by the Shiites and meet them, so he ordered that they not bring him via Kufa, but rather via Basra, Khuzestan, Fars, and from there to Nishapur. This is how the Imam’s movement was based on the book “Atlas of the Shiites”: Medina, Naqrah, Hawsejah, Nabaj, Hafr Abi Musa, Basra, Ahvaz, Behbahan, Istakhr, Abraqoh, Deh Shir (Farashah), Yazd, Kharanq, Rabat Basht Bam, Nishapur, Qadamgah, Deh Sorkh, Tus, Sarakhs, Marv. One of the most important and reliable things that happened on this long journey is the Imam’s hadith in the city of Nishapur, which is known as the Hadith of the Golden Chain. Al-Ma'mun Al-Abbassi asked Imam Al-Ridha (AS) to be his crown prince in the caliphate, but the Imam refused, as indicated by a number of news and narrations. However, Al-Ma'mun resorted to threatening Imam Al-Ridha, sometimes explicitly and sometimes by hinting, which prompted the Imam, in order to save blood, to accept the crown prince position on the condition that he would not have any legislative or executive authority during Al-Ma'mun's rule, such as: appointment and dismissal, so Al-Ma'mun accepted that.