Welcome to VIRTUAL QUIZ number 84. VIRTUAL QUIZ is a free online general knowledge quiz. In this VIRTUAL QUIZ we will have 30 general knowledge questions with commented answers. They are easy questions for treasure hunts and “pie in the face” style games. QUESTIONS IN THIS VIRTUAL QUIZ: 1 – Which of the following states is not located in the northeast region of Brazil? 2 – Which of the following words does NOT have an acute accent? 3 – In comic books, what is Batman's secret identity? 4 – LX in Roman numerals corresponds to the number: 5 – On which continent is Albania located? 6 – What is the longest bridge in Brazil in terms of length? 7 – Which singer became known as “the king of rock”? 8 – What is the synonym for PLÁCIDAS? 9 – Na is the symbol for which chemical element? 10 – What is the capital of Romania? 11 – Carne de sol is a typical food from which region of Brazil? 12 – Which continent is the natural habitat of giraffes? 13 – How much is 15²? 14 – How many syllables does the word unconstitutionally have? 15 – According to the Holy Bible, who did God order to build an ark to be saved from the flood? 16 – In which year were the Olympic Games held in Brazil? 17 – What is the collective for paper? 18 – What is the name of the area of biology that studies plants? 19 – Who was the first President of Brazil? 20 – Which of the following words is spelled wrong? 21 – What was the name of the armed conflict between Argentina and the United Kingdom? 22 – Among the musical instruments below, which is not a wind instrument? 23 – Among the countries below, which has won the Men's World Cup the most times? 24 – Who is the author of the book Journey to the Center of the Earth? 25 – Which of the following currencies is no longer issued in Brazil? 26 – The oboe is a: 27 – It is not a phase of the moon. 28 – How many letters does the phrase (motto) written on the Brazilian flag have? 29 – What is the only capital in the Brazilian northeast that is not bathed by the sea? 30 – It is not a typical animal of the Brazilian fauna. #Test #IQ #Intelligent