VIRTUAL QUIZ with a Geography test with questions and answers. This is a free online test of general geography knowledge with commented answers. There are diverse questions about rivers, seas, oceans, deserts, bridges, capitals, countries, states, continents, languages, locations, currencies and curiosities. They are easy questions for gingana and games like “pie in the face”. QUESTIONS IN THIS VIRTUAL QUIZ: 1 - What is the largest country in South America? 2 - Macapá is the capital of which Brazilian state? 3 - Among the countries below, which is not located in Europe? 4 - What is the official language of Bahrain? 5 - In which country is the city of Venice located? 6 - On which continent is the Gobi Desert located? 7 - Which is the only Brazilian state that borders Amapá? 8 - Boa Vista is the capital of which Brazilian state? 9 - Among the countries below, which is not located in South America? 10 – What is the capital of China? 11 – Which of the following states is in the northern region of Brazil? 12 – What is the abbreviation for the state of Mato Grosso do Sul? 13 – What is the largest state in the USA in terms of territorial extension? 14 – On which continent is Finland located? 15 – What is the capital of Jamaica? 16 – How many time zones are there in Brazil? 17 – In which country are the Galapagos Islands located? 18 – What is the driest desert in the world? 19 – Which of the following countries is not located in Central America? 20 – PA is the abbreviation for which Brazilian state? 21 – What is the capital of Lebanon? 22 – Which of the following countries has Portuguese as its official language? 23 – In which of the following US cities is the Statue of Liberty located? 24 – In which country is the Golden Bridge located? 25 – Which of the following countries is located in Asia? 26 – PB is the abbreviation for which Brazilian state? 27 – Which river runs through the city of London, England? 28 – Which of the following countries is not located in Africa? 29 – Which city is the capital of the state of California in the USA? 30 – Which of the following countries is not part of the United Kingdom? #GEOGRAPHY #QUESTIONS #GENERALKNOWLEDGE