VIRTUAL QUIZ – online test with general knowledge questions about Brazil. These are easy multiple choice questions about Brazil with diverse themes. (Geography of Brazil, History of Brazil, curiosities about Brazil, culture, personalities, celebrities, sports, cities, capitals, states, tourist attractions, biomes, among others) VIRTUAL QUIZ is a free online test with general knowledge questions. In this VIRTUAL QUIZ we will have 35 questions about Brazil. These are easy questions for gingana and games like “pie in the face”. Excellent knowledge test about Brazil. Styled like the Show do Milhão and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire programs. Great for those who like brain exercises or IQ tests. Questions in this VIRTUAL QUIZ 1 – What phrase is written on the Brazilian flag? 2 – What does Brazil mean? 3 – During which president's government was the city of Brasília founded? 4 – In which city is the São Silvestre Race held? 5 – Which of the following states does not border Mato Grosso do Sul? 6 – On what date is Black Consciousness Day celebrated? 7 – In which Brazilian city is the tourist attraction Sugarloaf Mountain located? 8 – Which bird is the symbol of the Pantanal in Mato Grosso? 9 – What is the name of the plane in which Santos Dumont made his first flight, in Paris, in 1906? 10 – Barbecue is a typical food of which Brazilian state? 11 – Which of the following states is not located in the northeast of Brazil? 12 – In which Brazilian state are the Iguaçu Falls located? 13 – Which region of Brazil has the most states? 14 – Who is the author of the literary work Sítio do Picapau Amarelo? 15 – Which of the following dances is typical of the state of Pernambuco? 16 – Which Brazilian swimmer won the gold medal in the 50-meter freestyle at the 2008 Olympics? 17 - In Brazil, what is the minimum age required to hold the position of Federal Deputy? 18 - What is the name of the Patriarch of the Independence of Brazil? 19 - What is the only Brazilian city founded by the French? 20 - Which of the following states does not border Paraná? 21 - Rice with pequi is a typical dish of the cuisine of which Brazilian state? 22 - In which Brazilian city is Ibirapuera Park located? 23 - In Brazil, in which month is Father's Day celebrated? 24 - Where is all of Brazil's official circulating currency produced? 25 - What is the largest state in the northeast region of Brazil? 26 - Which Brazilian states were involved in the Contestado War? 27 - In Disney comics, which of the characters below is Brazilian? 28 - In which Brazilian state was the singer Luiz Gonzaga born? 29 - What is the name of the father of the first Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro I? 30 - Macapá is the capital of which Brazilian state? 31 – How many biomes are there in Brazil? 32 – Which of the following states is located in the northern region of Brazil? 33 – Which animal from the Brazilian fauna is printed on the back of the 2 reais note? 34 – Which are the three largest states in Brazil in terms of territorial extension? 35 – What is the seat of the Executive Branch in Brazil? #virtualquiz #BRAZIL #QUESTIONS #GENERALKNOWLEDGE