English: http://www.agahaydin.com/ Psychiatrist Dr. Agâh Aydın http://www.agahaydin.com/ Every relationship is basically based on an illusion, virtual or real! There is no such thing as a virtual relationship. Every relationship is real, and a real relationship is basically based on an illusion: gönül ota da ...... In a chat with Güler Yıldız on virtual relationships and internet addiction on the weekend program... What is internet addiction, internet addiction treatment, internet addiction symptoms, how is internet addiction treated? Virtual relationships are also real! Is it related to duration or time that should be devoted to other things in life? How is internet addiction understood? Does the internet socialize a person or do internet friendships create an antisocial personality? Are the emotions experienced on the internet real? At what age is a child's mental development suitable for buying a computer? How does owning a computer at an early age affect the child? If a child's friends have computers, how should the situation be explained? In which cases should a psychologist be consulted? Are there any precautions that can be taken at home? Is prohibition an effective method? Psychiatrist Dr. A conversation about virtual relationships and internet addiction in the weekend program with Agâh Aydın Güler Yıldız... 1-What are the effects of virtual communication (internet) in modern-day marriages? 2-What is the effect of the internet (virtual communication) on the fact that relationships do not last long today? 3-What is the relationship between the prevalence of substance use among young people and internet addiction or virtual communication? 4-How can the harmful effects of virtual communication on children and adults be prevented? 5-How does internet use affect our children's academic success? 6-What is internet addiction? 7-How can we get rid of internet addiction. 8-Who needs virtual relationships the most? 9-Have virtual relationships become a necessity today? 10-Is virtual relationships considered cheating? .... what is internet addiction, are virtual relationships dangerous, is virtual love dangerous, reasons for internet addiction, internet addiction test, internet addiction pdf, ways to get rid of internet addiction, internet addiction ppt, internet addiction treatment, internet addiction scale, internet addiction addiction internet addiction symptoms, how to get rid of internet addiction, what is internet addiction, how to solve, internet addiction treatment, internet addiction test, what is computer addiction, symptoms of internet addiction .....