VIRAL!!! THE STORY OF NYI RORO KIDUL DISGUISING AS A VILLAGE WOMAN TO FIND A HUSBAND This story tells of Nyi Roro Kidul, Queen of the South Sea, deciding to disguise herself as Rara, a simple village woman, in order to find true love. She arrived in Sumberjati Village, living humbly among the villagers and helping them in their daily lives. There, she met Arman Sanjaya, a kind and sincere young student. The two began to grow close, but Rara had to face a big dilemma: can love grow without being disturbed by her true identity? This episode begins Rara's journey of finding true love with a peaceful and meaningful rural setting. Thank you for watching this story. Hopefully it will bring lessons and inspiration to all of us. #InspirationalStory #TrueLove #WisdomOfLife #Story #Stories #TrueStory #TrueStory #TrueStory #NusantaraStory #FolkStory #nyirorokidul