VIRAL PUDDING !! NOW YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE THIS CHOCOLATE MARBLE BREAD PUDDING YOU WILL DEFINITELY WANT TO MAKE IT AGAIN INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS (heated ingredients) 1 packet of gelatin 22 grams 5 cups of water 1 cup of caster sugar A little salt Half a packet of cooking chocolate (ground ingredients) 4 slices of gardenia bread 1 chicken egg 1 can of evaporated milk 1 cap of vanilla essence 2 tablespoons of custard powder Good luck trying👍 please watch the video to find out more about how to make it thank you ❤️ Want to start saving gold 999.9 public gold just register for free I will guide you 👇 https://publicgold.com.my/index.php?r... #moktihchannel #viralresepi #pudingrotimarblecoklat #publicgold