Friends of Cementil, this is a story about a village that used to be bustling with religious activities, but over time, the mosque there became deserted and forgotten. In the midst of that silence, a loving imam tries to restore the spirit of the residents to return to the mosque, but challenges come one after another. Through sacrifice and sincerity, this story reveals how miracles can happen when faith and compassion synergize, without the need to reveal the specific sins that caused this spiritual crisis. Kaliwaru village, old mosque, Mr. Zarid, village imam, medicinal plants, flood disaster, congregational prayer, animals in the mosque, traditional medicine, public relations, healing, preaching, spirituality, Islamic stories, ongoing charity #MysteryStory #KaliwaruVillage #ImamPakZarid #OldMosque #MedicinalPlants #Flood #IslamicPreaching #Spirituality #Compassion #CommunityLife The Return of the Voice of Prayer in Kaliwaru Village The Miracle Behind the Old Mosque The Love and Sacrifice of an Imam Sincerity in Guarding the House of Allah Flood and the Revival of Faith The Mosque that Comes Back to Life Inspirational Stories from a Forgotten Village