http://www.agahaydin.com/ Psychiatrist Dr. Agah Aydın Sky360: We talked about violence against women and its causes In a country where women are forbidden from making love but legal to give birth to children; Violence against women. EDUCATION IS NOT A MUST! Violence comes from whoever owns the property and the money. Only 1% of the real estate in the world belongs to women! It is not a common behavior for uneducated women to use violence against men. In other words, the main reason for violence is not lack of education. Since the real problem is not education, “education is not a must” to prevent violence. If we act with the knowledge that the real problem is related to property, the solution becomes easier. Current solution suggestion: 1- The state should cover 50% of women’s insurance premiums (so that they can easily find jobs and acquire property) 2- Collecting 20% less of all taxes, including real estate taxes, from women 3- The two practices above are more than enough to make business people, men, who use violence more “moral”.