Be my student: www.violasemfronteiras.com.br Whatsapp (11) 99599-1462 Complete Course: www.violasemfronteiras.com.br Viola Caipira Rozini RV 151 The Viola Caipira Rozini RV 151 was the model chosen for this test, and I really liked the sound considering the price range of the instrument. The Viola Caipira Rozini RV 151 is recommended for beginners in the viola. The sound is more pulled towards mids and highs due to the smaller and waisted body. The Viola Caipira Rozini RV 151 may also be interesting for soloists precisely because of this emphasis on the high mid frequencies. Viola Caipira Rozini RV 151 - Is it worth it? Watch the video and listen more to draw your own conclusions. I'm #WilsonTeixeira, I've been playing #ViolaCaipira for over 20 years. And I hope to accompany you on your journey as a Violeiro. Welcome to my channel. To access the Free Viola Caipira Course just click on the link: https://www.violasemfronteiras.com.br TAGS: ROZINI, RV, 151, rozini brand, PerteL, UNBOXING, taking out of the box, Playing viola, VIOLA, Caipira, Viola caipira, Viola rozini rv151, viola rozini, king musical, cebolão in E, tuning, Product specifications, knife that does not cut, chora viola, pagode in brasilia, modão, Channel made by violeiro, viola caipira, viola fashion, carreiro, Violla, rozini, viola, viola caipira, ponteio, caipira, viola cabocla, viola sertaneja, viola de arame, which viola to buy, which viola should I buy, good viola brands, good violas, how to buy a viola, what is the best viola, Cifra, Zé, viola, viola course, Rozini, Rozini violas, rozini viola course, course rozini, playing the viola, viola caipira, learn the viola, music on the viola, viola lessons,